Edgewood News - The place to find out what's going on at Edgewood School

Edgewood School


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Edgewood University

Do you know what Edgewood University is? Edgewood University is a college at Edgewood School with many different classes to chose from. The students get to pick what courses they are interested in. They get to do their club that they chose to do for 6 weeks. They meet on Fridays from 1:00 to 2:30. There are 22 different classes. Kids of different ages are mixed together in one class based on what they are interested in.

There's also a Film Festival. The Film Festival is where you get to watch the previews, and you pick a movie to watch for the last two weeks.

You can read below about each class at Edgewood University.

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College of Sports and Recreation
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College of Performing Arts
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College of History and Political Science
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College of Food Sciences
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College of Communcation and Journalism